Before attending class, i read through each of the guest's blogs, websites, etc:
--> Kathy Cassidy

--> Clarence Fisher

--> Darren Kuropatwa

I was definitely inspired by the work they do with their students, and more specifically with the work of Kathy Cassidy's classroom. I so badly want to set up a blogging experience for my students during my internship this fall, but find myself overwhelmed as to where one should begin. Perhaps my problem is that I have so many ideas as to how I would use blogging in my classroom that I am getting over my head.
I took advantage of the opportunity to ask the guest's questions and brought this up, however, am still a little unsure. I did receive some good advice from Clarence, when he told me to pick one thing and do a great job with that--don't rush it.
I'm going to keep this blog throughout my internship, so be sure to check it out and my progress, get ideas, or offer me advice!
Take care
I have to say I also feel overwhelmed with all of the ideas we have received during this class. I feel that there are so many neat, or interesting things to try how could I possibly choose which one I want to try? And how do I just keep it to one, some of them seem to be connected, it would be hard to do one with out the other.
I think I will approach my coop about my different ideas and maybe have her help me choose. She will have a better idea on time, ability and availability of technology. I would suggest you might do the same it might me holding off of some of these ideas, but it might be better for you in the long run.
You are completely right that many of these tools do work hand in hand. Things like RSS and blogging fo rexample. One is a way of publishing information to the world, the other is a way of creating apersonal data channel for yourself. You'll find that many of these tools do go together and that once you get going, they are like a puzzle that fits together. Consider how long your internship is and what you can do a good job of. Consider how much access to technology your students will have (in the classroom? will you need to go to a lab? how often can you get in?) and which piece fits best based on what you will be teaching during your time in the school. Find a natural fit for the technology. Don't force it or it becomes way more wokr then it already is.
Hi Nicole,
From your post and Erin's comment it sounds like you had a great experience in this course. I think a good course is one you walk away from with more good ideas than you could possibly implement in one go. With that said, I think Clarence's comment compliments this perfectly. Don't try to do it all at once ... grow into it. I know I did. This kind of online presence I try to orchestrate fro my students was three years in the making ... and it's still evolving. ;-)
Best Wishes,
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